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B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20194 min read
Yoga eases depression, changes biomarkers of stress
Research finds that regular yoga practice may curb symptoms of depression and alter important stress-related biomarkers. Depression...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20193 min read
Mind-body therapies may alter your DNA
A new review of the published research finds that mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga may alter gene expression linked to...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20193 min read
How mindfulness beats job stress and burnout
Two new studies reveal how mindfulness may help create work/life habits that help you leave work at work, deal with stress, and remain...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20193 min read
Why deep breathing calms us down
Researchers at Stanford University may have uncovered link between how you breathe and how your brain functions. It has long been known...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20193 min read
Could your stress be all in your head?
Benjamin Franklin once said: “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” While he was right about those...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20193 min read
Listening to your body can protect you from stress
Research shows that people who accurately observe and interpret bodily signals are more resilient to stress. Interoception refers to the...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20193 min read
Can your stress change my brain?
Canadian researchers have discovered that other people’s stress can alter your brain as much as real stress. We all know that chronic...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20197 min read
How to stop your stories from running your life
Mindful Magazine TOP POST for 2017! Research shows us that we not only have the capacity to pay attention to, and stop the chatter of our...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20193 min read
Mindfulness & biofeedback reduce stress, depression and anxiety
Chronic stress, depression and anxiety may be successfully prevented or treated with mindfulness and biofeedback. Americans are reporting...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20193 min read
Your posture affects your self esteem
Researchers in New Zealand find that a slumped posture may impact your mood, self-esteem and even your response to stress. Yoga may help....

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20195 min read
Mind-body practices and the vagus nerve are the keys to resilience
Polyvagal Theory and ancient yoga philosophy share similar views when it comes to how yoga can increase self-regulation and resilience....

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20195 min read
4 Tips to Stop Stress in its Tracks!
Feeling stressed? Here are 4 great tips that you can use right now. In a 2017 Educator Quality of Work Life Survey, roughly two thirds of...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20192 min read
Breathing through the nose may boost your memory
Nasal breathing may enhance your memory new research finds. Humans have long proposed a connection between how we breathe and our state...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20193 min read
Yoga Helps You Adapt Better to Stress Examining Yoga and Heart Rate Variability
Heart rate variability is increasingly acknowledged as an important indicator of how healthy you are, and how well you deal with stress....

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20194 min read
Is stress contagious?
Researchers in Alberta Canada discover that stress is contagious, and that social support may help buffer these effects, but only for...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20193 min read
Breathing rhythm affects memory and fear
A study finds that the rhythm of your breath can influence brain activity that enhances memory recall and emotional experience. Breathing...
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