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B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20194 min read
Yoga eases depression, changes biomarkers of stress
Research finds that regular yoga practice may curb symptoms of depression and alter important stress-related biomarkers. Depression...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20196 min read
How breathing deeply benefits your relationships
Research shows a direct link between how you breathe, how you feel, and relationship satisfaction. Here's why, and how you can change...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20194 min read
Laughter really IS the best medicine according to research
Sometimes it takes falling flat on your face to understand why humor is such an important part of building stress resilience. Not long...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20193 min read
Biased samples skew brain imaging research
It’s hard not to get excited about the brave new world of neuroscience, and what we’ve learned about the brain. But is that enthusiasm...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20194 min read
4 essential steps for overcoming fear
Is fear holding you back from living the life you want? Here are 4 essential steps for working with, and overcoming your fears. Fear is a...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20194 min read
Your stories shape your life: 3 steps for rewriting them
Humans are natural storytellers. We can’t live without them. But sometimes these stories work against us and undermine our happiness....

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20197 min read
How to stop your stories from running your life
Mindful Magazine TOP POST for 2017! Research shows us that we not only have the capacity to pay attention to, and stop the chatter of our...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20193 min read
Your posture affects your self esteem
Researchers in New Zealand find that a slumped posture may impact your mood, self-esteem and even your response to stress. Yoga may help....

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20193 min read
The quest for happiness may be killing us
Is our desire to be happy at the root of our suffering? Disappointment is a uniquely human condition, the flip side of our capacity for...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20196 min read
The Science of How Mindfulness Relieves Post Traumatic Stress
Here's how mindfulness-based therapies may help to ease traumatic stress symptoms. Pain, loss and traumatic events are part of the human...

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20193 min read
Brain's memory center holds clues about depression and anxiety
Part of the brain commonly associated with memory and dementia could also hold the key for depression, anxiety and emotional regulation....

B Grace Bullock PhD
Sep 16, 20193 min read
Exercise makes you happier study finds
Physical activity has long been known to lessen anxiety and depression, and is commonly prescribed to lessen the symptoms of many mental...
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